
It is recommended that you install WunderAPI in a virtual environment to prevent conflicts with other python packages. First create the virtual environment, activate it, and follow the install directions below.

To install WeatherAPI begin by cloning the repo and changing to the directory.

git clone
cd wunderapi

Install the requirements using Pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally install WunderAPI.

python install


The configuration file should be created in ‘~/.config/wunderapi/config’. The file will be automitcally generated on the first run of the program if it doesn’t exist. It should take the following format.

api_key = api_key
date_format = shortday
units = english
location = 27043

If you don’t want to set the api_key in the configuration file you can set it as the environment variable ‘WEATHER_API_KEY’. This is useful if you keep your configs in a public git repository.

The api_key can be obtained from